Where is the honour in this?

‘Honour killing’ – a menace to humanity in the name of ‘culture’.

This is not the first time or the second time or the enth time that this has happened. This has been going on for many many years. I have heard many stories while growing up in India where young women were killed to ‘save family honour’ – quietly vanished from the face of the earth.  It is utterly shameful that in this 21st century Britain we are still bearing witness to these deplorable heinous acts perpetrated against women and girls.

Of course, abuse and violence against women and girls take many forms and this is just one of them. But we need to take a stand against this as a community, as a society. This is not a problem just for the Asian community or one family. This is a societal issue and as a society we must refuse to accept this kind of mindset, this kind of behaviour at any level. We should not wait until someone dies to act, instead let’s educate families about this unlawful practice regardless.

A girl has a right to live! A right to be safe! A right to chose how she wishes to live!

RIP Samia Shahid!